Sat 04 Jan
√ Blue Eyed √ Curvy √ Long Brunette Hair √ Skills That Will WOW You √ No Rushing - 24
(Lansing, Lansing && Yes I Travel)
Fri 03 Jan
Passionate green eyes, wild curly brown hair, curvaceous figure - 32
(East Lansing, Holt, okemos, Lansing)
~ *•😘•* *:•.💖 ;•:*¨¨*:• :💦 WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS 💦•:*¨¨*:•. 💖•:*¨ *••😘* - - 20 - 25
(Lansing, in town)
📲🍬🎯wanna really play i cant wait to here from u🎯 24/7🍓in/out call special. 😗Rosie 🌹🍫 - 19
(Lansing, east Lansing Michigan)
—— _S_U_P_E_R__ ———————— *S_E_X_Y* -——————— _*H_O_T*_ ——— *CURVY ————— * BRUNETTE* ——————————— - - 22
(Lansing, lansing/willtravel)
$80 ((SeXY))* (BrOWN) *(HoNEY)* $80*SO SEDUCTiVE~ (*GFE*) ~FETiSH PLeASURES~ »»Up All NiGhT $80 - - 22
(Lansing In/Out)
looking for outcall? NOT FULL SVC! classiest in adult MASSAGE. 120 per 40 min - 22
(Lansing, south lansing)
**early morning **come spend time with a beautiful Latina *fun ~ satisying ~ kissable.& irresistible - 24
(Lansing, south)
Harmony Bancroft Large Breasted Beauty For Your Companionship ~Lansing In Call~ - 31
(Lansing, Lansing Incall)
.. ExOcTIc BoMbSHeLLs !...iT'S TiMe 2 PlAy MeN & WoMaN !..***** - 22
Duo Specials this week!! Cross this experience off your Bucket List with Kitra and Harmony - 30
(Ann Arbor, Central Michigan, East Lansing In or Out to Surrounding, Jackson, Lansing)
Europe Finance Romney's Campaign, Europe Created Euros, Europe Did 9/11, Europe is ENVY of USA! - 30
(Lansing, Lansing ( ACROSS THE BORDER))
★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★ - - 32
(Lansing, LANSING surrounding area outcall only)
√ BooTyLIciOuS FReaKy. FuN √ $$80$$ NaTuRaLy FuN, FReaKy, TaLenTeD °SaM° 734-858-9209 - 22
(Detroit, Downriver, southgate)
»-❤-» 100%☆ G U A ® A N T D P L A S U ® E ☆ »-❤-» - 25
(Lansing, lansing but will travel)
*After work Specials *Let Me be the one to help you relax after a long hard dayWhat R U Waiting For - 27
(Lansing, Surrounding cities welcome)
$100 Holiday Special 8am-8pm-Outcall Only !!!Best Variety and Rates in Mid-Mi!!! - 25
(Lansing, Mid Mi)
💦💦100 special 💸💦💦 Sexy Lexy In Town For aShort Time ✌️👅✌️💦 DONT MISS THIS ONE 😘 - 26
(Lansing, Lansing,jackson,outcall,incall)
💦💦140 special outcall only💸💦 Sexy Lexy In Town For aShort Time ✌️👅✌️💦 DONT MISS THIS ONE 😘 - 26
(Lansing, Lansing,jackson,outcall,incall)
🔥💋🔥️SMOKING HOT Sexy, Classy Bombshell 💋 ✔️💲100HH SPECIAL💛❤️ - 19
(Lansing, South lansing Incall Only)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
}}8{{ Have your fantasies & fetishes fulfilled by your tattooed, gothic goddess Morgana }}8{{ - 32