Mon 27 Jan
Tired of high prices, phony picsw? Cougar with real reviews, real pics, fetish & raace friendly! - 37
🍫SWEET🍭 , SEXY , CLASSY 💜💛! Sneak away & play ! Let me show you some appreciation💗 !! Call Now☏ - 20
(Lansing, lansing, michigan,)
Take some time on the wild side, Sweet Sassy Classy :) *WEEKEND SPECIALS* - 20
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
•°•°•° SpecIals All MorNinG °•°•°• 50/70/140 Are U ReaDy 4 FuN W/ SaMMy 734-858-9209 - 22
(Detroit, Downriver, SouthGate IN-CaLL ONLY)
UNBeLiEvABLy 100% ReAL * *__ ★ -ST..U..N..NI.. NG -★ * bLoNdE BaRbiE DOLL - 23
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Incall)
TrEaT -:¦:- YoUrSeLF -:¦:- To ThE BeSt BuStY -:¦:- GiRl NeXt DoOr (¯`☆`¯) - 22
(Lansing & surrounding in/out)
♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆] ♛ Polish ♛[☆] DeLiCiOus Blonde [☆] GoDDeSS ♛♛517.763.7585 - 25
(Lansing, Cedar St. & Pennsylvania)
So Lovely & Ready-All Natural 36 DD Bust Waiting & Ready - 23
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding in & outcall)
█ ☆█ ▄ __________ ♥ __ SiMPLY AMAZiNG __ ♥ __________ ▄ █ ☆█ Call about Specials ;-) █ - 36
SEXY } •:*• ☆¨*:• {PETITE } • :*★¨*: •{EBONY }•: *¨•☆*:• {VIXzEN } - 20
(Lansing, lansing /surrounding)
Plymouth InCall -- Beautiful, Intelligent Companion Ready to Relax You - 29
(Ann Arbor, Dearborn / Livonia, Detroit, Downriver, Downtown, Flint, Lansing, Livonia InCall Thur. evening thru Sat. P, Southfield / West)
Quit spending time with the rest, come see the best - you won't regret it. - 23
(Lansing, South Lansing)
The freakiest Late Night $pecial In East Lansing *Let My Lips B Ur Best Friend 714-770-7223 - 24
(Lansing, E. LANSING)
♥Ӝ ̄☆•_TH €_P € R F€ C T_ •☆•_C HO i C € ♥ Ӝ ̄♥Let Me FULLFILL YouRFANTASIES! ♥Ӝ̄ - 23
(Lansing, Lansing In/Out)
*¨¨*:.★ Sweet, classy rEdHeAd here for Confidant, upscale gEnTelMan ★ .:*¨¨* - 23
(Lansing, Lansing/in-bound)
*:• *StUnNiNg •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *sO SExY •:*:• ChEcK mE OuT!! •:*:• *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS •:*: - 23
(Lansing, East-South Lansing)
Real *RED hair 989 292 1244*5'0 foot tall 100pounds* spinner ** out&INN; call - 23
(Frandor, Lansing)
¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P ___ a__N__d ___ T__a__K__e __ A ___ L__o_O_k. *¨:¦:-* - 19
(Lansing, lansing/will travel)
Real *RED hair 517 894 3315*5'0 foot tall 100pounds* spinner ** out&INN; call - 23
(Frandor, Lansing)