Mon 27 Jan
!!! ThE bEsT sPeCiAlS iN tOwN !!! CaShMeRe AnD aUtUmN !!! - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and the surrounding areas.)
🌹Sophisticated Elegant 🌟 Lady Awaits You InCaLL Specials !!! 🌺 Blonde Blue Eyes 36DD 💋 - 28
💋Professional ~ Discreet 👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆believe it try me - 31
(Lansing, lansing~outcall /24/7)
(¯`'.¸° oPENMinDend MaTUre BLonDe *¨¨*- AvaILabLe ToMoRRoW *-:¦:-*InCaLL Specials - 24
(Central Michigan, central michigan)
Pretty, Sexy, Everything You Want.. Real Beauty!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
N€W 2 LANSiNG!★ G©RgE©uS ♥ BL©NDe ♥ THiCK JUiCEY B©©Ty BUNNY~ 240-347-5045) - 27
(Lansing, lansing west Saginaw highway)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Only the very best! You need to call now to see this very beautiful blonde! I'm waiting - 22
(Lansing, outcall)
*° •• °*° •• °*° *° —A—v—A—i—L —A—B—l—E— °*••*° —R—i—G—h—T — °*••*° —N—0—W—°*° •• °*° •• ° - 23
(Lansing, lansing/outcalls)
***NEW*** ======= Asian Body Worker---28- 32-35 Happy New Year - 38
(Lansing, 6810 S Cedar St, STE#6, Lansing, MI48911)
***NEW*** ======= Asian Body Worker---28- 32-32 - 38
(Lansing, 6810 S Cedar St, STE#6, Lansing, MI48911)
tired of fake pictures, never being on time and always rushed to go? come be satisfied by nicki.? - 24
***NEW*** ======= Asian Body Worker---28- 32-32 - 38
(Lansing, 6810 S Cedar St, STE#6, Lansing, MI48911)
®Want a Hot Sensual Massage? $95 @♦Relax Studio Everyday With a Sensual touch!♦ - 28
(Lansing, ™Lansing (Waverly 496Exit #3))
New In town Visiting Tommorow Not Here YET (5862654489) GOOGLE MY NUMBER - 21
(Lansing, East Lansing)
* * * EASY like SUNDAY Morning ....Absolute RELAXATION w/ MRS. JONES * * * - 39
Sat 11 Jan
-:¦:- T h e -:¦:- P e r f e c t -:¦:- S e n s u a l -:¦:- T o u c h -:¦:- $100 book now - 21
(East Lansing)
╚» •!! ★☆••• MY BODY ★IS YOUR ☆((( •• PLAYGROUND •• ))) - 23
(Lansing, Lansing will travel if not to far)
Let me bring some *JOY* to you in a very special way! Always on time! Always Avail! - 23
(lansing-Will Travel Anywhere)
NEW NUMBER--> Upscale & Discrete your Favorite Type of FREAK Sexy Pretty Sweet Ms.Brytt 5178946033 - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding area)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* One in a MILLION..... Top Notch BLONDE..... Upscale Provider •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 21
### Let Me Be Your Baby ### Credit Cards Welcome ### - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and the surrounding areas.)
Jasmin - 24
(Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Holland, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Portage, three rivers,martin,coldwater)
_G O R G E O U S ♥ H O T T I E ♥ DOUS_ - 27
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)
Lets Start this new year off with a BANG!!! - 22
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Downtown, everywhere, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest)
~ JuSt ViSiTing the Area, QueeN of ToYz MizZ Heather 1517*528*7069 - 21
(Lansing, Lansing In and Out CaLL *Specials*)
( . Y . ) Classy, sexy, and VERY open-minded ( . Y . ) - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and the surrounding areas)
😍🍓your favorite treat🍓😍 - 24
(:, Ann Arbor, Dearborn / Livonia, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Southfield / West, Warren / Sterling Heights)
Voluptuous Vixen For the Discerning Buisnessman - 30
(Battle Creek, Central Michigan, East Side of Lansing, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing)
"BUBBLES: sexy sweet sensational play bunny! NEW2area! (248) 818*2013 $100 special. - 18
(Detroit, /75 (madison hts troy rochester))
Fri 10 Jan